Board Meetings Minutes

Board Meeting 4/5/2020 


Board Meeting Minutes 


Zoom conference 


Kirk Hubbard 

John Pierce 

Amy Martin 

Kimberly Burke 

Max Paley 

Kirk - no problem having “donation” places all over where people can donate 

Wants a “passive” fundraising source 

“My vision is for people to bring new things in: use Denver Jamgrass’ name to do your other projects and make it good 

Link to donations: people will donate if they value it 

1. Retooling mission statement 

No need to retool it at the moment. 

Amy - wants the word support to be in the mission statement 

Max - will write up a new mission statement to send out to the board for review 

2. Fundraising strategies - or do we even need to fundraise? 

Board seemed to decide that for now no active fund solicitation should take place, but we can provide passive ways for people to donate like a or Patreon link 

3. Stone Soup album release - fundraiser? Kirk and Max think no 

Not a fundraiser: release for free. Youtube and on the website 

4. Ben Paley Memorial Musician's Assistance Fund - award for a musician in need - $500 budget - $100 each to applicants 

5. T-shirts as fundraiser / promotion - 

Amy - order of items: needs to be planned and set out in a document so that we are not crossing the streams. Amy’s suggestion: release the album and the musician’s assistance fund first, allow people the option to purchase T-shirts second. 

6. Miscellaneous (open to suggestions) 

Kimberly - how to help musicians right now 

Setting up a database for live streams - weekly list? 

John - Colorado grass chat 

Kirk, John and Max - people are not putting in their own info 

Denver Jamgrass as a resource on best online streaming stuff - Kimberly idea 

In the spirit of helping musicians - what stuff can we put up? Amy - promotion seminar : Kirk - audio for live streaming : Max - 

Kirk - we can loan equipment out for people - GrabBag of live audio gear - GREAT IDEA!


Board Meeting 2/9/2020 *Inaugural Board Meetings! 


Board Meeting Minutes 


Kirk Hubbard 

John Pierce 

Amy Martin 

Kimberly Burke 

Max Paley 


Verbal consent that everybody has read and understands the documents in question 

John Pierce getting hassled for blocking entrance - YEP 

Articles of incorporation approval: John Pierce moves, Amy seconds 

Vote: Unanimous ayes 

Operation agreement approval: John Pierce moves, Amy seconds 

Vote: Unanimous Ayes 

DJ Financial Policy: John Pierce moves, Amy seconds 

Vote: Unanimous Ayes 

Role change

Kirk away from Treasurer due to potential conflict of interest 

Kirk confirms that it might be better for him not be on the board since he’ll be the one requesting things 

Vote: Unanimous Ayes 

Can’t use Venmo if you’re a 501c3 - according to John Pierce, Venmo is designed for individuals not for businesses 

Confirmed that Max is handling the finances and secretarial duties, and the board will look over his work as treasurer/secretary and confirm that everything is done appropriately. Kim confirms that she will hold the titles of Secretary and Treasurer but Max will do the work. 

Amy moves to keep Kirk on the board and change Kirk’s title to “Board Member” and Kimberly’s title to “Secretary AND Treasurer.” John seconds 

John Pierce gives an example of a board member / staff member paying for pizza out of their own pocket, and then they gave the bill to John Pierce and he reimbursed them from the CBMS account. 

Merch discussion: 

John asks for case stickers right away. Discussion: board agrees that stickers are a good purchase to make; they are a marketing piece and you can also ask for a small donation for people to take a sticker. 

John recommends “Threadless” (CBMS uses it) for merch. 

Board discussion that Threadlss makes the most sense for long-term, but we can do special custom orders from Jeff at Pride of Gumbo. 

Amy suggests running a preorder for shirts so we know exactly how many and what sizes to order from Pride of Gumbo so we don’t have any extra inventory. 

Ask Jeff to send mockup of zipup: also ask him if we can change “print” color and/or change “t-shirt” color 

Resolution: we will run a preorder of 50 shirts w/ Pride of Gumbo ($6/shirt cost; $16/zip up sweatshirt) and then eventually go to threadless and have a passive revenue-generator on Threadless. We will try to pre-sale as many shirts as possible: possibly $15 presale and $20 not presale? 


Kickstarter ideas: Amy is starting a Kickstarter with Wrecklunds 

Patreon: already up and running 

Discussion for revenue generation: 
A show - concert with all the artists on the album Denver Compilation 

Cervantes? Most people say that Cervantes doesn’t pay much - Max confirms that “opening acts” only make a few hundred dollars but headliners can make more 

Swallow Hill? Might be on board to donate time or resources - Max says he will talk to SHM 

John Pierce: value of concert - you put on a kickass show with great sound in a comfortable place and then you hit everybody up to donate - CBMS makes no money on the shows they throw but they get a bunch of donations after each show - “after the shows the donations roll in” 

John says model is to “provide things that make people happy and they will donate” 

Idea about the record: It will be an annual thing. Summer Baker: I see DJ in 5 years having a table and selling each CD from each annual recording 

Party/Concert: John says you can’t provide booze and charge people for it. Max refutes that because of his experience at SHM getting liquor licenses and all that. Amy chips in that you have to hire people to run it (bartenders, etc.). Amy likes the Park House idea, and if you threw a show and had a couple bands from the record you could ask for a $15-$20 donation and then people will buy liquor from Park House. 

Amy’s fundraiser idea: A gear drive! Have people donate all of their gear that they aren’t using anymore. Denver Jamgrass will collect your old gear that you don’t want anymore and use it to generate funds or establish a lending library (Max’s idea). 

Kirk says he thinks we can get a bunch of microphones from people that don’t use them anymore 

Patreon discussion: Max already set it up. Asks board members to look it over and provide suggestions and etc. 

Amy - “my opinion is anytime you introduce something or raise money, it’s a campaign: it has to have a starting point and then a plan. When we’re ready to introduce Patreon, everybody needs to introduce it and ask their friends to share it. 

Kirk - “we need the bands to share it, theyv’e been benefiting from DJ for 6 years” 

Amy - “reach out to the bands who have benefited from DJ, and let them know about the Patreon announcement ahead of time” 

Max - will write up a plan, give everyone tasks, and we will launch Patreon at a date in the future 

Resolution: Max will make a plan and let it rip! 

Kickstarter: this is where merchandise will come in handy. We can get all the orders in first and then know exactly how many shirts/CDs to order. 

Denver Jamgrass Compilation album: 

Discussion: According to Max it’s “done.” We just need to master. 

What are we going to call it? Kirk suggests Denver Jamgrass 2020 Stone Soup 

Everybody liked that a bunch, we will let it rip as Stone Soup; Kirk - we don’t know what genre it will be, it can be anything. John - it sounds very 70s hippy 

Amy - it could be Denver Jamgrass Stone Soup and under in smaller print it could say A compilation of Colorado Artists coming together in the studio. Kickstarter can be the best fundraising tool for this album 

Denver Jamgrass Host Family Network: 

Denver Jamgrass Musician’s Assistance Organization: 

Max - a nonprofit organization should have programs; this is how we’re going to raise money. We’re not going to get funded just from recording and sharing bluegrass music, as much as we would love that. 

These are two programs that Max has created. The host family network is about connecting bands and locals with a place for a shower, home cooked meal, or a place to stay the night. 

The musician’s assistance program will be a fund that we use to help musicians out with money to fix gear or to take care of a medical condition that limits theri ability to play and earn money (most musicians don’t have insurance or much money). 

Board member flips: Board members are on 3 year terms, in the Operating Agreement it says DJ will have 7 board members. Is everyone ok with that? Board will start as 3, then go to 5, then to 7 and then the next year the original 3 will be up for reelection. 

John Pierce makes a motion to adjourn, Amy/Kimberly both second: 

Unanimous ayes